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Instrumento para backflush com agulha com ponta de escova de 27 G / 0,4 mm e aspiração ativa

Backflush instrument with 27 gauge / 0.4 mm brush needle and active aspiration

Nº do artigo: 2281.BTD04

  • Embalagem: Box/5
  • Estéril: Sim
  • Codificação de cor: Amarelo
  • Selecione o tamanho do calibre: 27 23 25

Críticas e testemunhos

Ulrich Spandau, Associate Professor, Head of vitreoretinal surgery Department of Ophthalmology at University of Uppsala, Sweden

I’ve tested the new 27G blunt backflush needle by DORC: good active and passive aspiration. Good feeling of the handpiece in the hand. Sufficient size of reservoir. The backflush does not come into conflict with the Viewing system. Conclusion: a clear improvement compared to the recent backflush design.

Ulrich Spandau, Associate Professor, Head of vitreoretinal surgery Department of Ophthalmology at University of Uppsala, Sweden

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