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Instrumento para reflujo con aguja roma de 25 G/0,5 mm y aspiración activa.

Backflush Instrument with 25 Ga / 0.5 mm blunt needle and active aspiration

Artículo n.º: 2281.AD05

  • Nuevo diseño ergonómico del mango para obtener un control quirúrgico óptimo.
  • Reservorio para backflush aumentado.
  • Aspiración más controlada y precisa de los fluídos y/o residuos intraoculares.

  • Embalaje: Box/5
  • Estéril:
  • Código de colores: Azul

Análisis y testimonios

Andy Morris FRCOphth, Consultant in Ophthalmology, University Hospitals Dorset, UK

The instrument is designed with the demands of modern retinal surgery in mind. The backflush is lightweight, comfortable in the hand and simple to use. Another great development from DORC.

Andy Morris FRCOphth, Consultant in Ophthalmology, University Hospitals Dorset, UK

Ulrich Spandau, Associate Professor, Head of vitreoretinal surgery Department of Ophthalmology at University of Uppsala, Sweden

I’ve tested the new 27G blunt backflush needle by DORC: good active and passive aspiration. Good feeling of the handpiece in the hand. Sufficient size of reservoir. The backflush does not come into conflict with the Viewing system. Conclusion: a clear improvement compared to the recent backflush design.

Ulrich Spandau, Associate Professor, Head of vitreoretinal surgery Department of Ophthalmology at University of Uppsala, Sweden

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